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The Warren Stucki Museum of Broadcasting is one of the few museums - and perhaps the only one in the Midwest - dedicated exclusively to radio and TV broadcasting.

Created from the personal collection of retired radio engineer Warren Stucki, Savannah, Mo., and expanded with artifacts donated by radio buffs across Missouri and Iowa, the museum traces the development of wired and wireless communication from the telegraph through the "golden years" of radio up to the current digital era.

On seeing the collection of approximately 30 vintage radio sets, visitors often reminisce about "grandpa's" radio or "when we got our first TV." The museum also features several interactive displays at which guests can tap out Morse Code, hear old-time radio dramas and commercials, and listen to President Franklin Roosevelt deliver his first Fireside Chat over an authentic 1930s living room console.

Other highlights include a working, hand-cranked Edison phonograph with cylinder records, circa 1900; a 1924 article from "Successful Farming" magazine explaining why all farm families should have a radio in their home; vintage television gear and recording equipment used to create "the miracle of video tape," and the military radio young Stucki carried through the European theater during World War II.